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Paba, Giancarlo
Una tradizione temporale nell'urbanistica = A time tradition in urban planning / Giancarlo Paba. - Roma : INU, 1997. - p.298-301

Abstract: In an article in Town Planning Review (1949) Lewis Mumford introduces the idea of planning for different life ages (childhood, school years, teenage, working age, old age), which means to adjust the planning. In this way it is possible to get over the traditional idea of a plan that was designed for a statistical mean, the male white working adult. Other interesting themes appear in this article: a project that considers night-time and day-time as two parts of a necessary unit; the idea of designing places within the city dedicated to a sort of withdrawal from the city itself, or to love-making. The framework that is the basis for these reflections is the concept of community, which we can find in other Mumford's work, and that he defines as "a collection of people who live within sight of each other". A three-generation community can replace the three-generation family which is disappearing, in order to re-estabilish a balance in the space and time use of the town
Fa parte di: Il tempo e la città fra natura e storia. Atlante di progetti sui tempi della città / a cura di Sandra Bonfiglioli, Marco Mareggi
Altri autori: INU Editore
Soggetti: urbanistica | tempo di vita | città | pianificazione del territorio | progettazione | tempi della città | metropoli

  Biblioteca Codice Collocazione Fondo Disponibilità    
  Biblioteca comunale Lazzerini RT10DA S TESP 361.61 Tem Fondo Tempi e Spazi Non determinabile    

Tipo: 111 - Analitico | Lingua: ITA | Data di pubblicazione o produzione: 1997 | Codice: XABPO0167964 | MFN: 0282861


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