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Selezione: Awards in the Visual Arts 5 : an exhibition of works by recipients of the fifth annual Awards in the Visual Arts ... : 13 April through 15 June, 1986, Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, New York : 14 September through 18 October 198 Risultato ricerca: 1
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Awards in the Visual Arts 5 : an exhibition of works by recipients of the fifth annual Awards in the Visual Arts ... : 13 April through 15 June, 1986, Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, New York : 14 September through 18 October 1986, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio : 12 December 1986 through 25 January 1987, Norton Gallery and School of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida. - Winston-Salem, North Carolina : Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, copyr. 1986. - 128 p. : ill. ; 26 cm
Mostra. - Elencati sul front. i nomi degli artisti. - Testo di Jamey Gambrell. - Note sul contenuto: schede descrittive delle opere; biografia; esposizioni; bibliogr. - ISBN 0961156023
Forma: catalogo, volume
Natura: mostra collettiva
Evento: Awards in the Visual Arts 5 : an exhibition of works by recipients of the fifth annual Awards in the Visual Arts
Soggetto nomi di persona: Connel, Clyde | Fasnacht, Heide | Helm, Robert | Kessler, Michael | Kim, Jin Soo | Klett, Mark | Kraft, Doreen | Newton, Gordon | Ruppersberg, Allen | Stone, Alan

  Biblioteca Codice Collocazione Inventario Disponibilità    
  CID / Arti Visive RT10DI C-USA-1986-015 009077 Verifica disponibilità in sede    

Tipo: 102 - Monografia moderna | Paese: US | Data di pubblicazione o produzione: 1986 | Codice: CID001491 | MFN: 0037448


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