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American philatelic congress
The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc. - [s.l.] : The American Philatelic Congress Inc, 1985. - 224 p. : ill. ; 27 cm

Contiene anche: Haiti : the liberty heads, plate reconstruction of the 2 centime re-engraved stamp of 1886 | Israel's unofficial postal links abroad in 1948 | Let the post office collect your bills : the portuguese recibo de cobranca system | Restoration of rural mail delivery and money order service in Grossrachen | The mulready goes marching on | The stamp booklets of the greek posts | Combination usages that include the four 5 cent general issues of the confederate states of America
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  Biblioteca Codice Collocazione Inventario Disponibilità  
  Istituto di studi storici postali RT10EG ISSP 82.E.1.51 00225 Verifica disponibilità in sede  

Tipo: 102 - Monografia moderna | Lingua: ENG | Paese: US | Data di pubblicazione o produzione: 1985 | Codice: RT10173032 | MFN: 0016351

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Banchik, Seymour - Banchik, Barbara . Israel's unofficial postal links abroad in 1948 / Seymour Banchik ; Barbara Banchik. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 179-206

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51

Drossos, Pandelis J. . The stamp booklets of the greek posts / J. Pandelis Drossos. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 155-164

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51

Heinz, Alfred . Restoration of rural mail delivery and money order service in Grossrachen / Alfred Heinz. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 207-222

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51

Herst, Herman Jr. . The mulready goes marching on / Herman Jr Herst. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 165-178

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51

Krieger, Richard . Combination usages that include the four 5 cent general issues of the confederate states of America / Richard Krieger. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 135-154

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51

Lloyd, Carroll . Haiti : the liberty heads, plate reconstruction of the 2 centime re-engraved stamp of 1886 / Carroll Lloyd. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 107-116

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51

Washburne, Stephen S. . Let the post office collect your bills : the portuguese recibo de cobranca system / Stephen S. Washburne. - In The congress book 1985 fifty-first american philatelic congress : october 11-13, 1985 / American Philatelic Congress Inc . - P. 117-134

Istituto di studi storici postali: ISSP 82.E.1.51


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