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Committed to Print
Catalogo: Committed to print : social and political themes in recent American Printed Art | British Art Now: an american perspective : 1980 Exxon International exhibition
Altri autori: Wye, Deborah | Museum of modern art [New York] : Department of prints and illustrated books | New York State Council for the Arts
Soggetto nomi di persona: Rupp, Christy | Acconci, Vito | Allyn, Jerri [1952-] | Alonso, Luis [1951-] | Amos, Emma | Andrews, Benny | Applebroog, Ida | Arai, Tomie | Arneson, Robert [1930-] | Art Workers'Coalition | Avery, Eric | Azaceta, Luis Cruz | Balassanian, Sonia | Baranik, Rudolf | Bearden, Romare [1914-1988] | Becker, Nan | Begay, Rudy | Bender, Leslie | Black Emergency Cultural Coalition | Borofsky, Jonathan | Bourgeois, Louise | Burden, Chris | Camnitzer, Luis | Carvalho, Josely | Catlett, Elizabeth | Chicago, Judy | Cockcroft, Eva | Coe, Sue | Collaborative Projects, Inc. | Corris, Michael [1949-] | Cortez, Carlos | Dalen, Anton : van | Dickson, Jane | Dine, Jim | Dong, James | Edelson, Mary Beth | Edwards, Melvin | Elliot, Marguerite | Fekner, John | Frank, Mary | Frasconi, Antonio | Garcia, Rupert | Gilbert, Sharon | Glier, Michael | Golub, Leon | Gourfain, Peter | Granet, Ilona | Group Material | Guerrero-Cruz, Dolores | Guerrilla Art Action Group | Gutiérrez, Marina | Haacke, Hans | Hammons, David | Haring, Keith | Hock E Aye Vi (Hachivi) Edgar Heap of Birds | Heresies Collective | Holzer, Jenny | Howland, Rebecca | Huang, Arlan | Indiana, Robert | Irizarry, Carlos | Jaar, Alfredo | Jimenez, Luis | Johns, Jasper [1930- ] | Kearns, Jerry | Kienholz, Edward | Kramer, Margia | Kruger, Barbara | Lacy, Suzanne | LaMarr, Jean | Lawrence, Jacob | Lebron, Michael | Lee, Colin | Levine, Les [1935-] | Longo, Robert | Marcus, Paul | Marisol | Mc Adams, Dona Ann | Min, Yong Soon | Mock, Richard | Moore, Sabra | Morris, Robert [1931-2018] | Nauman, Bruce | Nechvatal, Joseph | Oldenburg, Claes | Paschke, Edward | Piper, Adrian | Pyzow, Susan | Rauschenberg, Robert | Ringgold, Faith | Rivers, Larry [1923-] | Rodriguez, Elizabeth | | Wilfred Owen Brigade | Rosenquist, James | Rosler, Martha | Rothenberg, Erika | Sanchez, Juan | Saul, Peter Alfred | Jos Sances and Mission Gráfica | Schapiro, Miriam [1923-] | Shahn, Ben [1898-1969] | Sisters of Survival | Spero, Nancy | Stella, Frank | Stevens, May | Di Suvero, Mark | Dennis Thomas and Day Gleeson | Torres, Francesc | Warhol, Andy | Pittman Weber, John | We're All in the Same Boat | Wiley, William T. [1937-] | Woo, John | Yamashita, Qris
Soggetto evento: New York : Museum of Modern Art
Soggetto luoghi: Stati Uniti

Tipo: 510 - Evento | Paese: US | Data di pubblicazione o produzione: 1988 | Codice: CID040963 | MFN: 0137121
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Soul of a nation : art in the age of Black power
Catalogo: Soul of a nation : art in the age of Black power
Altri autori: Godfrey, Mark Curatore | Whitley, Zoé Curatore
Soggetto nomi di persona: Amos, Emma | Andrews, Benny | Bearden, Romare [1914-1988] | Bey, Dawoud | Bowling, Frank | Catlett, Elizabeth | DeCarava, Roy | Bellow, Cleveland | Brown, Kay | Chandler, Dana C., Jr. | Clark, Ed | Cowans, Adger | Cowherd, Darryl | Crawford, Bob | Edwards, Melvin | Gilliam, Sam [1933-] | Delaney, Beauford | Donaldson, Jeff | Douglas, Emory | Draper, Louis | Fennar, Al | Gammon, Reginald | Hammons, David | Lawrence, Caroline | Lloyd, Tom | Loving, Alvin | Neel, Alice | Nengudi, Senga | Hendricks, Barkley L. | Jaramillo, Virginia | Jarrell, Jae | Jarrell, Wadsworth | Jones-Hogu, Barbara | Joseph, Cliff | LaRue Johnson, Daniel | Lewis, Norman [1909-1979] | Mason, Phillip Lindsay | Motley, Archibald | O'Grady, Lorraine | Pindell, Howardena | Puryear, Martin | Ringgold, Faith | Saar, Betye | Outterbridge, John | Overstreet, Joe | Purifoy, Noah | Randall, Herbert | Robinson, Herb | Saunders, Raymond | Thompson, Bob | Warhol, Andy | Whitten, Jack | Williams, Gerald | Williams, William T. | Sengstacke, Robert | Smith, Beuford | Smith, Ming | Stevens, Nelson | Thomas, Alma | Washington, Timothy | White, Charles | Williams, Randy
Soggetto nomi di ente: Smokehouse Associates [gruppo artistico]
Soggetto evento: Londra : Tate Modern | Bentonville : Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art | New York : Brooklyn Museum of Art
Soggetto luoghi: Europa - - Gran_Bretagna | America Settentrionale - - Stati Uniti

Tipo: 510 - Evento | Paese: GB | Data di pubblicazione o produzione: 2017 | Codice: E200200253263 | MFN: 0522474


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