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Proceedings of the Center-to-center project workshop on Earthquake engineering frontiers in transportation systems : june 22-23 1998, Tokyo, Japan / edited by H. Kameda and Ian M. Friedland. - [Tokyo : International Center for Disaster-mitigation Engineering, 1999]. - 372 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. - (Incede report ; 13)
In calce al front.: Organized by International center for disaster-mitigation engineering (Incede), in cooperation with Multidisciplinary center for earthquake engineering research (Mceer). - Sulla copertina: "Post-earthquake reconstruction strategies; Incede-Mceer reconstruction strategies"; e i due logotipi "MCEER Multidisciplinary center for earthquake engineering research: a national center of excellence in advanced technology applications" e "Institute of Industrial Science INCEDE University of Tokyo"
Altro titolo: Earthquake engineering frontiers in transportation systems : proceedings of the Center-to-center project workshop
Altri autori: Kameda, Hiroyuki | Friedland, Ian M. | Center-to-center project workshop on Earthquake engineering frontiers in transportation systems [Tokyo ; 1998]
Collana: Incede report
Soggetti: Costruzioni antisismiche - Congressi - Tokyo - 1998 | Trasporti - Organizzazione - Congressi - Tokyo - 1998 | Ingegneria civile - Zone sismiche - Congressi - Tokyo - 1998
Classificazione: 624.176|2

  Biblioteca Codice Collocazione Inventario Prestito Disponibilità    
  Biblioteca di Scienze geo-ambientali e planetarie (ex IGT) RT10EE I. B. 11 008110 Ammesso Verifica disponibilità in sede    

Tipo: 102 - Monografia moderna | Lingua: ENG | Paese: JP | Data di pubblicazione o produzione: 1999 | Gestione database: 1IGT | Codice: RT10036240 | MFN: 0466889


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